Modern testing for modern stacks

In two weeks Avinash with his offshore team was able to understand the loop holes in our test process, able to suggest tools to make our process better and implemented an automated end-to-end test suite in Python Selenium with pretty much no management overhead.

Prashanth Shenoy Katpady, CTO @ UniCourt

Qxf2 provides automation services too! We have written several light weight automation frameworks that are ideal to kick start automation quickly. Our automation comes with a full implementation of the page object pattern, excellent logging, hooks to cloud based environments like Sauce Labs and out of the box reporting to popular test case management tools. If you are looking for testers with automation expertise, drop a note to

We have several tools in our toolbelt. Here are some tutorials we have published on our blog:

1. Unit testing: Python Mock, JUnit, TestNG, Jasmine, Android

2. API automation: API 1, API 2, API 3, Mechanize, RunScope

6. Performance testing: JMeter, Gatling

Ask for our automation services!

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